Forgotten Cookies

These are (the last two) Forgotten Cookies, they are delicious and the easiest cookies to make. All you need is: 2 egg whites 1/2 cup sugar 6 ounces of chocolate chips (I used about 1/2 cup of bits of leftover Easter treats) Sometime in the early evening, preheat the...

Yoshi, my stepfather

On March 3, my stepfather, Yoshi, passed away. I spoke at the service and this is what I said that day: Yoshi, Yoshi, Yoshi…. Your death has been a great shock and has left us all in a state of wonder… .. is this actually happening? .. are we really here? .. why?...

Nine Mugs

The agenda for Monday: work on a batch of nine mugs. I threw these on the wheel last week: Each mug was turned upside down then re-centered on the wheel for trimming. Once trimmed I sign and number each mug: Nine mugs trimmed and ready for handles: Every handle is...