Nine Mugs

The agenda for Monday: work on a batch of nine mugs. I threw these on the wheel last week: Each mug was turned upside down then re-centered on the wheel for trimming. Once trimmed I sign and number each mug: Nine mugs trimmed and ready for handles: Every handle is...

Three Teapots

Last Friday afternoon I worked on three teapots and I took photos along the way. I threw these a couple of days before and then let them dry to leather hard: …The pots and the lid forms are all trimmed: …Three handles for three teapots: …And now they...

The Dragonfly

I think dragonflies are fascinating. Their bodies are too long and cumbersome for those delicate wings, how on earth do they fly so agile and free, up and down, here and there? They are seemingly impossible creatures – there must be some magic in those...