by Melanie Mena | Feb 14, 2012 | Dots!, In my studio, Pottery, The Dragonfly
The agenda for Monday: work on a batch of nine mugs. I threw these on the wheel last week: Each mug was turned upside down then re-centered on the wheel for trimming. Once trimmed I sign and number each mug: Nine mugs trimmed and ready for handles: Every handle is...
by Melanie Mena | Feb 6, 2012 | In my studio, Pottery, The Dragonfly
Last Friday afternoon I worked on three teapots and I took photos along the way. I threw these a couple of days before and then let them dry to leather hard: …The pots and the lid forms are all trimmed: …Three handles for three teapots: …And now they...
by Melanie Mena | Feb 2, 2012 | In my studio, Inspiration, Pottery
I was sitting here thinking about all of the things I have to do & I started freaking out. Then I looked around at what I need to do right now & saw all of this: The most beautiful To Do List. This right here is me making pottery for a living. I have...
by Melanie Mena | Jan 27, 2012 | In my studio, Inspiration
A funny thing started happening in the Fall, soon after we arrived in Ontario, people kept telling us about Prince Edward County and it seemed like everywhere we went someone was drinking wine or talking about the cheese from The County. This was a place neither of us...
by Melanie Mena | Oct 28, 2011 | In my studio, Inspiration
When my Grandma passed away last year a big question for my family was what would happen to her house? We’re a very sentimental family and are all attached to that house. It’s where my Mom and her seven siblings grew up, it’s where we had all those kitchen...
by Melanie Mena | Sep 22, 2011 | In my studio
Toronto? Why the heck are you moving to Toronto? We’re not. Funny how when you mention you’re moving to Ontario lots of people assume you’re heading to Toronto. Although Mark and I really like Toronto, we’re thinking more Cottage Country rather than Big City....